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1 day ago
At True Food Kitchen, we believe simple, fresh, pure ingredients create the most satisfying and memorable dining experiences. While our menu is packed with nutritious, good-for-you vegetables, whole grains, and proteins, we never sacrifice flavor. You may not notice the difference, but it’s there.
We use seasonal, locally grown, organic produce as often as possible. It tastes better and is more nutritious.
We use healthy fats like extra virgin olive oil and expellier pressed canola oil.
We use minimal dairy in our recipes; what we do use is all organic.
Most of our pastas are wheat free and made from brown
and white rice.
Our pizza crusts and pita breads are made in-house with organic flour, spelt and flax seed.
We offer biodynamic, organic and sustainable wine.
We are the only restaurant in the nation to provide Olivello Juice, an extract from sea buckthorn berries. Olivello is full of powerful natural anti-oxidants and other protective phytonutrients. (You can find this ingredient in Andy’s Elixir, Medicine Man, and Orange Olivello Sorbet with Fresh Berries.)
We offer 16 vegetarian, 6 vegan, and 10 gluten-free items on our menu.
We use organic yogurt instead of butter and cream in the sauce for our Butternut Squash Ravioli.
We purify our own bottled water in-house using Natura Water System, which eliminates plastic bottle waste.
Our soba noodle dishes are made from buckwheat noodles that are slow-digesting (low glycemic load) carbs, prepared with little or no fat.
We offer farro, a true whole-grain dish, which is delicious and slow digesting (low glycemic load).
Our house-made natural sodas and fresh juice drinks are sweetened with either agave nectar or erythritol, they are full of health-protective compounds and have less impact on blood sugar.
For those who want a noncaloric sweetener, we offer a natural alternative that will not undermine your health: erythritol.
We use fresh wasabi – a true food – unlike the powdered stuff that contains little or no real wasabi.
We put delicious, organic plum tomatoes from Tuscany on our pizzas.