Sunday, December 21, 2008


My steroids make me hyper!!!!  Super duper hyper!!!

I did some Christmas shopping this morning.  At the first store the cashier asked if I was done with my shopping.  I told him this was actually my first day shopping.  I went to a couple stores and then came home because I was starving.  Like eat my arm off starving.  Another side effect of the steroids is increased appetite.  Luckily I only have a few more days of taking them.  For lunch I had a garden burger, broccoli, and vanilla yogurt.

I took my doses this morning and another at lunch.  When Billy walked in the door I was like, "LETS GO TO THE STORE AND BUY SOMETHING FOR THE HOUSE!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)"

Billy said, "Ok."

I said, "Now! " and got my purse and bolted out the door!  Zoom!  Woosh!!

We didn't find anything but I got to channel my nervous energy by walking around the store a million times.

Then I was starving (story of myu life) and had a granola bar and some more broccoli.

I wish I could work out because I could run 123235647655635423342 miles!  Seriously! 

Unfortunately the steroids basically make me have 0% of an immune system.  I decided having three open wounds be saturated in sweat and trapped under my cast would not be good.  The last thing I need is for them to get infected.  I also supposed to avoid people who are sick because I'd get really sick.  

Tonight we are celebrating our 6 month wedding anniversary (a day early because tomorrow is Barbara's Bday by going on a date <3>

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