Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Bipity bopity do!

This afternoon Billy and I went to the gym. I did the elliptical and my IT bands hurt a little bit. When I got off the elliptical I did some lower body exercises. When I walked over to the treadmill where Billy was running I had a dull aching pain in both of my knee caps. There are so many people that don't like to work out - why is it that the people who enjoy it have the struggles? I have late meetings tomorrow and Thursday so a couple days of rest will be good :)

After the gym I made dinner.

Spicy Baked tofu:

- 1 block of Fresh and Easy tofu
- Open one bottle of red wine to share with your handsome hubby :)
- Wrap tofu in a bunch of paper towels and place between two plates. On top of the plates place several cans of veggies.
- Preheat oven to 375
- In a small bowl mix EVOO, honey (1 tbs. or more to make it sweeter), a lot of chili powder (tbs. +), couple shakes of Tabasco (I seriously cannot cook without this stuff, lol!), pinch of kosher salt, a shake of sesame oil, a few shakes of white pepper (we are out of black), a smidge of teryaki sauce, and some love. In all honesty the essentials are EVOO, honey, and Chili powder...I just start adding in extra stuff to add some variety :) This is the best recipe. You can do a ton of variations on it!
- Microwave for 30 seconds.
- Grease a baking sheet
- After 30 minutes thinly slice the tofu (to avoid mushiness :P)
- Dunk the tofu in the sauce
- Sprinkle with paprika
- Sprinkle with red chili flakes
- Bake for 30 minutes or so (baking time will depend on thickness of your tofu)

I could eat tofu for every meal but I thought we should have something to go with our tofu. We had about half a package of cooked spaghetti in the fridge so I tossed that with some EVOO, Garlic Powder, Chopped tomato, and a couple leaves from Sir Arthur, and a piece of shredded jalapeno cheese.

Everything was super delicious!

Billy has 16.6 days worth of music on I-Tunes so we listened to some Kings of Leon:

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