Reasons why I love them:
1) The benefits they give their employees ("All our employees will be eligible for our comprehensive benefits package, which include affordable medical, prescription drug, dental and vision coverage; with the company picking up a majority of the costs." that's for employees who work 20+ hours per week)
2) All of their dairy products come from cows that are not treated with rSBT
3) I can pronounce all of their ingredients on all of their food items
4) They have special parking spots for hybrid cars
5) Every week I use their $5 off a purchase of $20 or more
See if they are near you:
How to Organize iPhone Photos
1 day ago
They are building one thisclose to my apartment. If I were a little taller, I could literally jump the brick wall and be in their parking lot. And while I do not appreciate their construction noise at 5:30am, I'm excited for their grand opening!
Did you hear Wal-Mart (boo!) is basically copying them and making smaller places called marketplace something?
Yeah, they are all over Vegas, but they are dumb. It's still Wal-Mart, just a grocery version. I cannot like them.
I cannot either!
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